About Jean Miriam Larson

The three kids and Jean on Kekakabic Lake in 2009
At a very young age Jean traveled the lakes and portages of the Boundary Waters tucked in the bottom of an aluminum Grumman canoe, a thick stick for a paddle. When her own children came of age, she returned to the Arrowhead of Minnesota to rediscover Lake Superior’s north shore, camping its state parks. They graduated to canoeing the BWCA together, mom and three kids in two canoes named Swamp Buggy and Moose Belly.
Jean’s poems and writings reflect her love of the wilderness experience and the natural world. The Superior Life is her first book, and was published by Broadcraft Press in 2011. She sketched the cover’s white pine at Mic Mac Lake, Tettegouche Camp, in May 2011. You’ll find 7 other sketches throughout the book, printed on vellum, and a Paradise Beach stone on the back flap. The prose poem, “Brule Lake & Gratitude”, came from a bigger work of creative non-fiction, “The Book of Miria”, which was excerpted in Hamline U’s journal rock, paper, scissors.
Jean graduated from Hamline University’s Graduate School of Liberal Studies with a Master’s of Fine Arts in Writing in 2008. Many years prior, she earned her BA studying at the University of Minnesota, CEUCA—a study abroad program in Bogotá, Colombia—and at Concordia College, Moorhead, from which she graduated, majoring in English and Spanish.
Jean’s poems and essays have appeared in Water~Stone Review, Midway Journal, W.W. Norton & Company’s online journal, Poems Out Loud, and in the Park Bugle. Her poem, "Night Suite", was awarded honorable mention by the Ann Stanford Poetry Prize of the Southern California Anthology.
She has also written and performed poems as part of TalkingImageConnection (TIC). Most recently she presented new poems at TalkingImageConnection—Walls You Can Read to celebrate The Soap Factory gallery's 25th anniversary. Earlier, she was honored to be part of TIC's Between Roots and Branches, a year-long collaboration between six writers and wood sculptor, Seth Keller (who carved a chair out of a birch tree that Jean climbed as a child!) and Celestial Navigation, at the Susan Hensel Gallery. Additionally, Jean collaborated with Brinsley Davis who choreographed Form to three of Jean’s poems, a work that was performed by Three Dances Dance Company.
In April 2011 Jean read “The Superior Life” and other poems as part of International Women’s Day radio show on KFAI, produced by poet, Jen March. And Micawber's Books hosted the launch of her book of poems by the same name, The Superior Life, in September 2011.
Also in 2011, Jean began work on a new book of poems and drawings that began with a solo canoe trip out of Sawbill Lake area of the Boundary Waters.
Jean is thrilled to learn that The Superior Life is still on Drury Lane Book's Best Seller list. She feels her poems belong in Grand Marais, and presented a Writer's Salon at Drury Lane Books, in August, 2012--at the center of the vortex of this book's soul, yes, indeed.
Jean’s poems and writings reflect her love of the wilderness experience and the natural world. The Superior Life is her first book, and was published by Broadcraft Press in 2011. She sketched the cover’s white pine at Mic Mac Lake, Tettegouche Camp, in May 2011. You’ll find 7 other sketches throughout the book, printed on vellum, and a Paradise Beach stone on the back flap. The prose poem, “Brule Lake & Gratitude”, came from a bigger work of creative non-fiction, “The Book of Miria”, which was excerpted in Hamline U’s journal rock, paper, scissors.
Jean graduated from Hamline University’s Graduate School of Liberal Studies with a Master’s of Fine Arts in Writing in 2008. Many years prior, she earned her BA studying at the University of Minnesota, CEUCA—a study abroad program in Bogotá, Colombia—and at Concordia College, Moorhead, from which she graduated, majoring in English and Spanish.
Jean’s poems and essays have appeared in Water~Stone Review, Midway Journal, W.W. Norton & Company’s online journal, Poems Out Loud, and in the Park Bugle. Her poem, "Night Suite", was awarded honorable mention by the Ann Stanford Poetry Prize of the Southern California Anthology.
She has also written and performed poems as part of TalkingImageConnection (TIC). Most recently she presented new poems at TalkingImageConnection—Walls You Can Read to celebrate The Soap Factory gallery's 25th anniversary. Earlier, she was honored to be part of TIC's Between Roots and Branches, a year-long collaboration between six writers and wood sculptor, Seth Keller (who carved a chair out of a birch tree that Jean climbed as a child!) and Celestial Navigation, at the Susan Hensel Gallery. Additionally, Jean collaborated with Brinsley Davis who choreographed Form to three of Jean’s poems, a work that was performed by Three Dances Dance Company.
In April 2011 Jean read “The Superior Life” and other poems as part of International Women’s Day radio show on KFAI, produced by poet, Jen March. And Micawber's Books hosted the launch of her book of poems by the same name, The Superior Life, in September 2011.
Also in 2011, Jean began work on a new book of poems and drawings that began with a solo canoe trip out of Sawbill Lake area of the Boundary Waters.
Jean is thrilled to learn that The Superior Life is still on Drury Lane Book's Best Seller list. She feels her poems belong in Grand Marais, and presented a Writer's Salon at Drury Lane Books, in August, 2012--at the center of the vortex of this book's soul, yes, indeed.